digital rooting garden


In the first chapter of the Never Ending #FediGuide, I took time to define what the Fediverse is, give examples of the variety of types of sites that federate, and dove deep into the Mastodon portion of the Fediverse to explain what features are, and how to use Mastodon. In the second chapter, I took some times to talk about general #Fediquette, and the importance of picking a good server and knowing how your server is run. The third chapter covers customizing your experience—covering user preferences, filters, post deletion, and more in the many menus of Mastodon.

In this chapter continuing the #TechGossip topics, I hope to break down with a little more information and detail: finding a server, hosting options, and block lists.

I will briefly cover some of the aforementioned information throughout, for anyone unfamiliar with the terms used in this post.


you can check out the first part of my never-ending fedi guide here.

the first part of the guide covers the basics of the fediverse, mastodon, and most of the features. this part will cover #Fediquette and servers.
